Most of the time, the answer is easy: No!

Many of our Lakeland customers say that they were on the brink of a roof replacement before scheduling a roof cleaning service in a last-ditch effort to save themselves a steep bill.

We’ve been there ourselves, too: When my wife and I bought our home, our insurance company informed us that we needed to replace our roof or they’d cancel our policy. A decade later, the same shingles are still going strong.

The answer? Professional roof cleaning.

In Lakeland and surrounding Florida communities, roof cleaning is one of the most valuable services that you can tap into. With algae, mildew, dirt, and mold to contend with, your shingles need help in order to survive. That’s where we come in.

Even the most dire looking roofing can likely be restored with a professional roof cleaning service. What’s more, annual cleanings will go a long way towards extending the lifetime your home’s top layer.

If your roof looks dirty, or if your insurance company is bemoaning the state of it, save yourself a five-figure bill and schedule a roof cleaning instead of a replacement. You’ll be thrilled with the results – and your wallet will be, too.